miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017


Estimadas familias y alumnos,

A día de hoy, todavía no tenemos ninguna información respecto a la entidad que realizará los Exámenes Externos de Inglés que la Comunidad de Madrid organiza para los Colegios Bilingües. La única información que hasta ahora nos han facilitado es que los exámenes tendrán las mismas características de años anteriores. Debido a ello, estamos preparando los exámenes de Grado 3 y Grado 4 de Trinity, entidad que hasta ahora se hacía cargo de los mismos para 2º y 4º de Primaria.

A continuación os presento una serie de documentos, incluyendo instrucciones generales del Examen, además del vocabulario y la gramática correspondiente a cada uno de los Grados, 3 y 4, que vuestros hijos están ya preparando en clase, con la intención de que les ayudéis en la medida de vuestras posibilidades desde casa, y para que ellos tengan un fácil acceso a los mismos en cualquier momento que quieran trabajar o repasar algún contenido.


Vocabulary and Questions - Grade 3
Cards Trinity Grade 3
Questions - Practice Grade 3
Trinity Grade 3 Revision
VIDEO Sample I - Grade 3
VIDEO Sample II - Grade 3
VIDEO Sample III - Grade 3

Below you will find some files for GRADE 4 including general instructions of the Test -in Spanish-  and two more guides -in English-, the form that the student should present the examiner during the examination and two examples of one of the parts of the test: The Topic.


Questions and answers, vocabulary, games and practice for the 'Conversation' part (FOOD) are ready. You can start practising!!

Questions and answers, vocabulary, games and practice for the following 'Conversation' part (SPORTS) are ready. You can start practising!

Questions and answers, vocabulary, games and practice for the following 'Conversation' part (SCHOOL) are ready. You can start practising!

Questions and answers, vocabulary, games and practice for the following 'Conversation' part (JOBS) are ready. You can start practising!

Questions and answers, vocabulary, games and practice for the following 'Conversation' part (SHOPPING) are ready. You can start practising! 

Picture Dictionary - Shopping
Vocabulary Shopping
Shopping Crossword (with key)
Shops and Places Worksheet

Questions and answers, vocabulary, games and practice for the following 'Conversation' part (HOBBIES) are ready. You can start practising!

Picture Dictionary - Hobbies
Vocabulary - Hobbies
Questions and Answers - Hobbies
Hobbies Boardgame

Questions and answers, vocabulary, games and practice for the following 'Conversation' part (HOLIDAYS, WEEKEND & SEASONAL ACTIVITIES) are ready. You can start practising!  

Picture Dictionary - Holidays, Weekend & Seasonal activities
Vocabulary - Holidays, Weekend & Seasonal Activities
Questions and Answers - Holidays, Weekend & Seasonal Activities
Holidays Worksheet (with key)

Finally, here you have a set of Questions for you to practise: 
New Questions and Answers Mix (grade 4)
Questions Grade 3 - 4